Designed at Amazon
My role: Art Director
I led the production of these 5 new offline Alexa animations which currently span a dozen+ fixture types in stores such as Best Buy and Target across multiple countries. Intended to be part education, part product demo, and part entertainment - the previous set of live-action videos were device-agnostic vignettes that fell short in demonstrating the breadth of Alexa’s usefulness. On any fixture, a video plays when a customer presses a demo button. Because of the varying sizes sometimes a video would play on a screen several feet over from the device a customer had interacted with. My solution was to move the video voice over out of the video, and allow the devices on the fixture table to narrate their own stories. This back-and-forth from device to device to screen created a better connectedness between the devices on a given table and the videos.
Our team also reconfigured the role of the videos entirely. Rather than a short vignette highlighting 1-2 Alexa skills in a humorous but not entirely useful way, they became education-forward. We reinforced that Alexa exists in each of the devices (Echo ≠ Alexa), and that each device is better suited for different needs. By introducing this cross-comparison, we increased the usefulness of the offline fixture demos overall and provided a much improved customer experience.